I do realize it has been "fall" for a while now and that winter is fastly approaching, but I need to catch up on some posts so let's just pretend . . .
Fall means apple picking!
Another 1st for Leiney Grace
Apple picking tip - store your fresh apples in gallon ziplock bags in your fridge's fruit/ veggie bin. They last for months. We are still eating apples we picked on this day in September!
Leiney Grace and Aunt Lulu have such a bond since Aunt Lulu has been there since Day 1. She travelled with me to China to adopt Leiney Grace.
These 2 boys have such a sweet relationship. I hear Fulton tell Hudson often "Buddy, I can't play with you right now. I have to do my homework. You don't want Fulton to get in trouble, do you?" Hudson adores Fulton - until he gets body slammed on the sofa : )
My crew plus some cousins - John Parker, Gabe and Kylene - my cousins' children. Our apple picking trip is a tradition now and since Lulu and Sheri live in "Apple Country", we always do it together. Making memories is a wonderful treasure!
The whole gang!
Fall means Happy Gotcha Day to Ellie. Back in September 2008, we travelled to Kunming, China to meet our sweet little Ellie. It is so hard to belive that Ellie joined our family 4 years ago. Wow! Those 4 years have flown by.
Fall means Halloween. This year we had a skateboader/ Rip stick guy, Rapunzel, Ariel, a Ninja, Tinkerbell, and an adorable little monkey! And 2 teens who refused to be anybody but themselves. Might have regretted that a bit when it was time to eat candy : ) Their little siblings did share some of their loot!
Fall means it's hunting season. Hudson was quite proud of the buck his Daddy brought home in the back of the truck!
And fall means football!
With 8 kiddos, only a few go at a time. On this day, Shelby, Fulton, and Ethan accompanied David to cheer the Gamecocks on!