Praise the Lord! Lilly had surgery 4 weeks ago today and has had no complications. She is so much more active now than before surgery. She is walking about 3 to 8 steps on her own. She is pushing herself up to standing from the floor without holding on to anything. Of course we all cheer for her, and this really delights her. She just laughs and smiles. She is also learning several new words. She says - ball, baby, mama, dada, Bubba (for Fulton which is what Ethan calls him because he can't say Fulton) and up. When we pray she says "am" for Amen. She is working on saying "mine" and "no". She has also learned to squeal which is not necessarily a good thing. She squeals VERY loudly. So much for taking her into worship. Now we will begin transitioning her to the church nursery.
We are going to see the Barbees next weekend. It will be a reunion for Lilly and Lainie who shared the same room at the orphanage. Due to Lilly's illness in China, we did not get to let them interact much or take many pictures. We are all very excited about seeing them together again. Also we are delighted to have the opportunity to meet Bobby's family and to see his mom, Mrs. Jackie again.
I am so amazed by God's goodness and faithfulness. This journey has been difficult, but it has taught me so much. I have realized the importance of relying on God for all things. I have been reminded that God does indeed supply exactly what we need for each moment. And I know that when I am weak, He is strong! What a mighty God we serve.
As my friend Jennifer said, adoption is truly a miracle! I am thankful that our family was chosen by God to experience this miracle through our adoption of Lilly.
Thank you once again for all of your prayers. I will try to update the blog about once every month.